

It is amazing. I will think that I just dogmatized, then I look and it has been a month and a half. Good thing no one reads this crap.

The Alito confirmation hearings got me thinking.
I am sick and tired of the abortion groups in America, both pro and anti. If you are part of those groups of hardline liberals or conservatives who think that abortion is the only issue that matters, or for that matter, the main issue of importance: Wake Up!

It doesn't matter how many signs you hold up or how vile you can be to the other side.

Abortion will never be illegal in America.

If Roe vs. Wade is overturned the issue will be sent to the state level to be decided. Sure, there may be one or two states that try to outlaw abortion. Even so, it is not worth the effort and anger from the antiabortionist or the proabortionists.

Dogmatist, why is this post entitled Republicans if it is all about abortion?

I thought someone might ask that. Simple. This post is a recommendation to Republicans. You can win votes by simply making abortion a non-issue.
Think of all the women out there who are generally conservative but are put off by the anti-abortion rhetoric of the Republican party. These women would undoubtedly vote for a Repulican who aborted the abortion dogma from the partyline.

But Dogmatist, what about those anti-abortionists who would be angry at the party?

Another sensible question. Where are they going to go? Would they have voted for John Kerry if Bush had said that abortion would never be illegal? I doubt it. Sure you would lose a few to third party candidates. Those voters would leave in order to show the Republicans that they are needed. However, soon after those voters see that their boycott had no effect they would come back to the warm cozy conservative fold that the Republican party pretends to be.

You make incredible sense. Why do the Republicans ignore such wonderful advice?

Well, thank you. To follow this advice would be to go against the general political consensus. Abortion groups on both sides have incredible sway in the parties because they are very loud. When people are so single-minded about a political situation they are very vocal. So, to take this advice would be to anger a very vocal sect of the party faithful.
In short, for a presidential candidate to admit that the fight for or against abortion is really a waste of time would require two things: testicles (or ovaries for those among us whose buttons are on the left).

Simply stated, to run for president a person cannot possess functioning reproductive organs that might embolden them to tell the truth.

At least, that is how I see it.

Picture taken from prolifeaction.org. Ironic huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are hilarious. I love you! - Crystal

1/11/2006 9:06 PM  
Blogger You can Call me AL said...

I love it!

I also like how you ask questions in the 3rd person.

11/10/2007 1:48 PM  

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