
Your Pain.

Remember when Bill Clinton felt your pain? I remember as a young dogmatist thinking, "does anyone really care if he feels their pain?"

How does it matter? I came to believe that people are not really swayed by the, he knows what my life is like, argument.

Then, today, I had a coworker say that she is considering voting for McCain because Sarah Palin, quote, "is a mom." I was not aware that being a mother qualified a person to be one heartbeat from the most powerful office in the world.

If you know the Dogmatist you will know that he believes that both major political parties are leading America down a primrose path to the complete loss of political and economic freedom.

That said, I cannot believe that people would choose a presidential candidate based on who understands their particular situation. Who cares if McCain or Obama know what my life is like? I want to know how they plan to govern. I can't relate to two men who are so close to the Presidency. I can't relate to someone who craves power as much as Obama, nor can I relate to a wealthy former POW (though, I would like to relate to the wealthy part).

I can't vote for Obama because socialism is not acceptable to me no matter how much he feels my pain.

Is the dogmatist the only one who finds this appeal ridiculous? I hope not.


Blogger You can Call me AL said...

I feel your pain Dogg!

9/19/2008 6:30 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

I always feel your pain. ALWAYS.

Vote for me!

10/13/2008 2:35 PM  
Blogger Photar said...

I want a president that's good at doing math in his/her head.

4/06/2009 8:43 PM  

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