
Spirit in the Sky.

What are you living for?

As hard as it is to believe, the eschatalogical views of some people have led them to count on the rapture, or the return of Christ, for retirement. Fervent prayer has become retirement planning.

I know, you can't believe it. A week ago I wouldn't have either. Then I spoke to a person who, when I asked her about her plans for income after retirement responded, "I think Jesus will come back before then." What?!
When I giggled and said that I wouldn't count on that, she acted like I was foolish or non-believing.
Is this a reasonable plan for the future?

I pray that not all baby-boomers are planning on retiring in the sky, or we are all screwed. If you didn't think social security was in trouble before, you had better be scared now!

Picture taken from Deviant Art.